Mark Your Calendars: Payments and Registration for the 2020 TRAP Team is November 14, 2019. Informational Meeting will be November 14, 2019 at 6 pm.
Henderson County 4-H members have the opportunity to participate in the 4-H TRAP Team beginning in 6th grade. This team is very successful and competitive. It is also very family oriented and required strong parent support in order to continue. The Trap Team is not only affiliated with Henderson County 4-H, Tennessee 4-H Shooting Sports but as well as TN SCTP or Tennessee Scholastic Clay Target Program through the TWF (Tennessee Wildlife Federation). There will be 4-H competitions as well as TNSCTP competitions.
How do you register?
The way to register is by printing and filling out all the appropriate documentation below and submitting all to the Henderson County 4-H Office no later than March 1, 2019. If you are not already a Henderson County 4-H Member, you will need to also complete the 4-H Enrollment form.
What is the cost?
The cost to register a child for this team is $60. This DOESN’T include competition costs, clays, ammunition or competition shirts. If you need a competition shirt, add $30 to the initial registration cost. Checks or cash is accepted. Make checks out to UT Extension, Henderson County.
When is the Practices?
Practices are determined by the coaches closer to March. Practices will be once a week until competitions. The schedule of practices will be on the Calendar of Events page.
Where are practices located?
Practices will be at a farm out in Parkers Crossroads area. Exact location will be given to participants via email and texts.
Tennessee 4-H Shooting Sports Website can be accessed by clicking HERE.
TN SCTP website can be accessed by clicking HERE.
For more information about the registration process, Henderson County 4-H Programs, or how to get involved in general; contact Loren Stanford at (731) 968-5266 or email at
TRAP Team Forms
- 2018- 2019 Athlete Consent & Waiver SCTP_ACW.pdf
- 2018 – 2019 Medical Consent Form SCTP_MED.pdf
- 2018 – 2019 Sportsmanship Contract SCTP_SPC.pdf
- Tennessee 4-H 600A Form f600a.pdf
- Henderson County 4-H Trap Team Sign Up Form Trap Team Sign Up Sheet.pdf
TRAP Team Volunteers
Those parents interested in becoming a volunteer coach, you will need to complete the following forms. They need to be returned to Loren Stanford at the Henderson County 4-H Office.
- Tennessee 4-H Volunteer Forms TN Volunteer Application Whole.pdf
- 2018 – 2019 Volunteer Position Registration Form SCTP_POS.pdf