The 4-H program, the largest youth development program in the world, will help you develop skills you need to succeed in life. You will develop those life skills through project work. Tennessee 4-H offers its members a choice of 26 program areas. Working with your parents and 4-H leaders, 4-H’ers are encouraged to choose a project or projects and build their knowledge of the project subject material. They also complete activities related to the project area, keep records of their activities, give written and oral demonstrations about their projects, and participate in judging and other contests involving their project. As a 4-H participant, you are now “students” of the University of Tennessee.
4-H’ers work with parents, volunteers and other 4-H’ers who share similar projects. In many cases, clubs are formed around a project area, such as county horse clubs. Project work not only increases a 4-H’ers knowledge of a particular subject of interest to them, but project work can also prepare them for a career in that field, such as veterinary science. Scholarships, prizes, awards, and special recognition are also the rewards for project work.
4-H Projects
Beef The 4-H beef program will teach you to select, manage, produce, market and show cattle. | Citizenship This project will help you learn to value others and to be a good citizen of you local, national, and global communities. | Clothing & Textiles This project will help you acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to plan, select, make, assemble, and care for suitable clothing for work, school and social events. | Communications & Public Speaking This project will help you to learn to express yourself in a variety of ways, from speeches to written communication. |
Companion Animal This 4-H project is for you if you want to learn how to select, care for and train a dog, cat, rabbit or other small animal for personal or family enjoyment. The 4-H dog care program will help you learn about Health care. | Computers & Technology In this project, you will learn to interact with computers and technologies to explore the world of animated presentations, interactive Web sites, geographic information systems (GIS), Global positioning systems (GPS), robotics and video editing. | Consumer Education & Economics This project will help you learn about being a good consumer as you explore smart shopping, Income, expenses, saving money, credit and needs vs. wants. | Dairy The 4-H dairy program will teach you about the selection, production, management, health and showing of dairy animals. |
Electric Learn about the exciting world of electricity through this 4-H project. Atoms and electricity, current and voltage, generating electricity, electrical circuits and applications and using electricity safely—it’s all here for you. | Engineering & Safety Science In this project, you will learn about areas from bicycles and lawn mowers to leaf blowers and tractors. | Entomology This project will lead you into the exciting world of insects and their arthropod relatives. Learn about bees and other insects found in the soil, on plants, in homes, on pets, and in other secret places | Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries AKA Environmental Science/Conservation You can find lots to do in this great outdoor adventure. Learn about fish and wildlife and the habitats in which they live. Check out outdoor sports, such as fishing and hunting. Learn about forests and how they contribute to people and wildlife. |
Food Science In this project, you will learn about food safety and food science. Learn how food goes from the farm to your table. Also learn how to safely prepare foods for yourself and others. | Goat The 4-H goat program will help you learn about feeding, caring for, managing, selecting and showing goats. | Horse The 4-H horse program will allow you to develop horsemanship skills. You will also learn skills through educational activities such as horse judging, horse bowls, hippology, speech and demonstration contests. You don’t have to own a horse to be involved. | Horticulture & Garden This 4-H project is for you if you’re interested in selecting, planting and growing (and sometimes harvesting) plants for home food production and beautification |
Leadership & Personal Development This project will bring out the best in you as you learn about yourself and what you can do. Learn how to work with and lead others at home, at school, and in the community. | Line & Design In this project you will learn to express your creativity through art, crafts, fashion and interior design. | Nutrition, Health & Fitness This project will help you learn about food preparation, health foods, career opportunities and personal health. | Performing Arts & Recreation Express yourself creatively through dance, music and drama in 4-H performing arts. Explore the recreation program and develop leisure time activities such as hobbies games, collections and outdoor adventures. |
Photography This project will help you learn how to use a camera to capture images on film. Explore flash techniques, lenses, shutter speeds and more. | Plant Science In this project you will learn how food and fiber are produced. Explore soils, plants, crop production and more. | Poultry The 4-H poultry program will teach you about chickens from the egg to the table. Get involved in embryology, poultry judging, growing and managing a small flock of chickens and chicken barbecue programs. | Sheep The 4-H sheep program will help you learn about the selection, production, management, marketing and health of sheep and wool production. |
Swine The 4-H swine program will help you learn about the selection, production, breeding and management of swine. | Veterinary Science This 4-H project is for you if you’re interested in learning about animal health and behavior, and how modern veterinary practices increase animals’ health, comfort, recreation and livestock values. |