The Western Region Judging Contests
The Regional Wildlife Judging Contest is held at Parkers Crossroads Park in May. The Junior and Junior High Division of the test has been simplified a bit. The Contest involves identifying wildlife and answering some questions about each specimen or photo on the ID part of the test. The contest will be held in May. If you are interested, it is time to get your group together and we will gather materials to create a study packet! Ms. Winter Taylor is training teams in an afterschool program at Westover School. (Listen for times that she will meet after school.) There are quizzes on Check that out….it is free! We need to get our students together to get study packets!!!!! Study materials come from the WHEP manual which is online. I will post it here at a later date.
2015 WHEP – manual (pages 28-68) Eco-regions.pdf
2015 WHEP – manual (pages 69-215) Wildlife-Species.pdf
Livestock Judging Group Practice Slides (Contest: November at Triple P Arena)
The contest consists of judging hogs, sheep, goats, and cattle. Use the study skills below to practice the different animals.
2013 Livestock Judging Guide Resources
Module 1 – Introduction to Livestock Judging.pdf
Module 2 – Heifers.pdf
Module 3 – Steers.pdf
Module 4 – Gilts.pdf
Module 5 – Swine.pdf
Module 6 – Sheep.pdf
Module 7 – Handling.pdf
Module 8 – Ewes.pdf
Module 9 – Market Goats.pdf